The Birth of the Mother: Navigating Motherhood with Thérèse Desilets of Lovely Lady Linens
Mome Blogs

The Birth of the Mother: Navigating Motherhood with Thérèse Desilets of Lovely Lady Linens

Jul 12, 2023

Therese wearing a Lan Midi Dress with nursing zippers in Blue La Mere Toile while playing with her baby boy on the bed


“The moment a child is born, so too is a mother.”  

Yet, the birth of the mother herself is something we rarely prepare for. So much so that the early stages of motherhood take new moms by surprise. It brings forth a surge of uncomfortable emotions and hard questions. 

“Am I doing enough? Do I need to pivot my career trajectory? Will my body go back to the way it used to be? What about me?”

Motherhood also adds a new sense of joy, beauty, strength, purpose, and meaning in life. Navigating this strange mix of emotions while caring for a child who depends on her entirely makes new moms feel alone in their journey. 

This is why we’re thrilled to share our interview with the multi-hyphenate Thérèse A. Desilets. 

Navigating Motherhood with Thérèse


Thérèse is a wife, mother, attorney, and owner of Lovely Lady Linens, an online store specializing in Marian-inspired hand-block printed linens. In this blog post, Thérèse shares how she handles the changes brought about by motherhood and how she keeps her sense of self intact despite it all. 

1. Congratulations on Lovely Lady Linens’ third anniversary! We love your shop’s feminine and timeless aesthetic and the noble mission behind it. Could you take us back to how Lovely Lady Linens started?


Therese wearing a Lan midi dress with nursing zippers in Blue La Mere Toile while carrying her little boy in her arms and looking him sweetly in his eyes

Thérèse and her new baby boy. We adore how our Lan Midi Dress with nursing zippers in Blue La Mere Toile looks fantastic on her.

I began LLL in 2020 while looking for an affordable tablecloth for Mother’s Day brunch. I had searched all the name-brand stores but couldn’t find anything that fit my aesthetic and price point. So I sketched my own design, and after much trial and error, I found an artisan block printer in India to print my designs. 

2. You’re a wife, a mom to three young kids, including a new baby, and an attorney. On top of all that, you run Lovely Lady Linens. How do you do it all?

I don’t do it all - at least not all the time! I have become very good at delegating and asking for help and not feeling any shame in doing so! 

Quote from Therese with dark gray font on a white background: I have become very good at delegating and asking for help and not feeling any shame in doing so!

As a perfectionist, I used to be afraid to ask for help because I didn’t trust anyone to do it the correct way. I have allowed myself grace in not doing everything perfectly, asking for help from my husband and family, or hiring it out when I know I simply can’t do them all. 

3. If there’s one tip you can share with moms with young kids juggling work and family life, what would that be? 


Therese wearing a Lan midi dress with nursing zippers and lifting her baby boy up while giving him a kiss

A mom can never give too many kisses. 

I’m still learning this, but at one point, right before my third baby was born, I was trying to accomplish a lot before my maternity leave. 

One afternoon, the weather was beautiful, and my toddler desperately wanted me to take him for a walk. I had limited time, but he was hanging onto my skirt. It was so difficult to walk away from my screen, but I’m so glad I did. We both needed the sunlight and fresh air. 

Quote from Therese in dark gray on a white background: not to be afraid to shut down the computer and go for a walk with your kiddos. They need it, and you need it. And the work will get done one way or another.

That moment made me realize that work will always be there, the deadlines will always loom over my head, but I’m not always going to have the opportunity to take a long walk with my son. 

So my one piece of advice for working moms is not to be afraid to shut down the computer and go for a walk with your kiddos. They need it, and you need it. And the work will get done one way or another. 

4. Motherhood is one of the most transformative journeys in a woman’s life. How has it changed yours? 

Therese wearing a Lan midi dress with nursing zippers in Blue La Mere Toile while carrying her baby boy in her arms and giving him a kiss on the cheek

What an adorable little boy! Who wouldn't be smitten? 

Motherhood has changed every aspect of my life. It’s the most challenging, exhausting, and demanding job. Many days it’s thankless and messy. But it’s also the most intrinsically rewarding job because I am the provider for these small humans to form, instruct, raise, and nurture. 

Quote from Therese in dark gray on a white background: Many days it’s thankless and messy. But it’s also the most intrinsically rewarding job because I am the provider for these small humans to form, instruct, raise, and nurture.

The principles I live by become theirs; my faith is their faith. My children learn through my example and the way I carry myself. 

I no longer live for myself and my own desires and dreams but for my spouse and these souls who depend on me for everything. 

5. As a mom of three young kids, what does self-care look like for you?


Therese's is wearing the Lan Midi Dress with nursing zippers in Blue La Mere Toile, showing off the smocked back, as she lifts up her baby boy
There are two things we love in this photo. First, that cute smile. Second, the smocked back of the Lan Midi Dress finally in the spotlight.

I find self-care in domestic duties. I love baking and cooking, cleaning, gardening, and decorating. Right now, we are slowly renovating our home, and I’m finding so much joy in that. 

6. Last question, and we hope you can indulge us because we love your timeless taste in fashion. What’s your favorite Mome dress?


I LOVE the Kanya dress in hydrangea! 

Our Favorite Takeaways 

Ah, that was lovely and refreshing, wasn’t it? It’s so encouraging to hear honest answers and learn from Thérèse’s version of the birth of the mother. We picked up a few precious lessons we want to share with you. 


  • Delegate and ask for help. Mothers throughout generations have been heralded for their ability to do it all — manage the household, take care of the family, and pursue a career.

    Without a doubt, it’s an amazing feat. However, it’s also placed an unrealistic standard for women to achieve.

    It’s wonderful to see women being open about asking for help and releasing the need to do everything perfectly. After all, motherhood was never meant to be a one-woman show. It’s a journey that’s best shared with helping hands within the family and community.   

  • When it becomes too busy, go for a walk with your kids. This is such a beautiful reminder, especially as it’s summer. The mountain of tasks at home and work sometimes keeps us inside despite the glorious weather. But isn’t our sheer busyness enough reason to pause and appreciate the beauty of nature? 

    Walking also offers an array of health benefits like boosting immune function and improving mood. Who better to do that with than our loved ones, including our kids?

  • You no longer live for yourself alone. For me, this is the most profound nugget of wisdom in the interview because it’s true. The moment you become pregnant and give birth, you have a new reason for living. This urges you to re-evaluate your life choices and direction and even think about the legacy you want to leave for your children and family. 
  • Self-care is about your own joy. It looks different for everyone. For some, it can be following a skincare routine, making time for meditation and exercise, or wearing beautiful dresses that make them feel like themselves again.

    For others, it’s finding beauty and joy in doing everyday things they enjoy the most. Whatever it is, your self-care activity should center on the happiness and growth it sparks you. 

There you have it! We hope you enjoyed reading this blog post as much as we loved putting this together for you. Motherhood is beautiful and messy. Whatever it is you’re going through, you’re not alone. We’re here for you.  

Want to follow Thérèse and Lovely Lady Linen’s journey?
Click the links below. 

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